Visual Communication Solutions

(631) 477-0277

Saturday, April 17, 2010

HTML5 & Video

From Hubspot:

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a programing language for web pages. Think of HTML as the brick and mortar of pages on the web, it provides content and structure while CSS supplies style. HTML has changed over the years and it is on the cusp of its next version: HTML5.

Why should marketers care about HTML5? Many reasons, but a major reason is online video.

The Battle Over Online Video

While you may have heard of the battle television networks are having in monetizing their content online, that isn't the battle we are talking about. Online and user generated video is quickly becoming an important tool for marketers. A battle is currently happening in boardrooms in Silicon Valley that can have a profound impact on marketers planning to use video. With the recent launch of Apple's iPad the company made a decision to not support Adobe Flash. Flash is the technology that powers many of the videos and animations viewed on the web today. How will people watch web video on the iPad and the iPhone? HTML5.

One of HTML5's biggest impacts on marketers is its native video support. Do you know those pop menus that tell you that you need to update to a new version of Adobe Flash that appear sometimes when you try and watch a video online? That doesn't happen with HTML5 video. For marketers, this means that video becomes more ubiquitous. HTML5 makes video a native browser experience for users and publishers. It allows users to consume and publishers to distribute video without the need for browsers plugins. Major players in the TV and video industry like CBS, ABC, Vimeo, ESPN have already made changes to their sites to support video playback on the iPad, as well as other devices that do not support Flash and other video plugins.

HTML5 Gives Video More Marketing Muscle

HTML uses tags to classify different types of content on a web page. For the first time in HTML5, site owners have a "video" element which provides control for the way video is displayed, organized and searched. The "video" element eliminates the need for annoying browser-specific "object" tags. Do you hate the black or white squares that fill a browser page while a video is loading? HTML5 adds a "poster" attribute that lets businesses specify an image as a place holder while a video is loading. For marketers this image could be as simple as a company logo or could be taken a step farther and be an ad for an upcoming webinar or product launch. Regardless, the ugly black and whites square can be a thing of the past which should make users happy. An aspect of HTML5 that should make marketers who publish video excited is that size obligations no longer exist for video. In HTML5, videos have a width and height, much like images, so as a site owner you're no longer forced into the standard YouTube /Flash video sizes. 

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