Placing and promoting video on your web pages will get your page ranked faster on Google!
Also be aware thatGoogle has a new"strategy in it's video ranking routine. It is now tracking not only the popularity of your video (how many views) but is
is also figuring into the equation the quality of the video by noting
how long someone stays on the video before clicking off. What this does is make having high production quality (and engaging) video more
important than having thousands of "paid for" views. (A spammer method.)
Realize that You Tube is a Google property, so it might not be a bad idea to use the You Tube Player to place video on your pages.
Another good tip is to place your "Call To Action" at the right point in your videos. You can use Google Analytics to spot viewer drop off rates and insert your "CTA" before that point. Just be aware that you should imbed the video to
your webpage, sitemap it and drive links to the video boosting page rank on Google. If you do the same thing with a YouTube video and drive links to it, you'll will only boost up the video hosted on a YouTube page, not your
own webpage.
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