Visual Communication Solutions

(631) 477-0277

Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays!

         Warm Wishes For The Happiest Holiday Season To All!
           Thank You For Your Support!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Here is a revealing infographic from ReelGenie Marketing Associate Dianna Bai:

The Video Marketing Revolution” infographic highlights the explosive popularity of online video and its proven effectiveness for improving sales. These two factors will drive marketers to invest seriously in the medium in the near future.
While video was formerly seen as too expensive for production, the more pressing question for brands today is whether they can afford not to join the growing movement!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Mobile video Spikes 133%!

Here's an interesting article by Michelle Clancy in

Mobile video spikes 133% in 12 months 

Mobile TV viewing has more than doubled in just one year. While mobile viewing levelled off in the third quarter due to seasonal factors, the overall share of mobile and tablet video views has increased by 74% since January, and by 133% from September 2012 to September 2013.
Ooyala data shows that as more premium, long-form content becomes available online, consumers are increasingly turning to mobile phones and tablets as first-screen devices. Mobile and tablet video viewers spent nearly 60% of their total viewing time watching premium, long-form content running more than ten minutes.
Mobile overall accounted for 9.2% of streaming video views, while tablets accounted for 6.4% of all online video plays.
Additionally, for digital distribution in general, live video continues to outstrip video-on-demand (VOD). PC viewers in particular are drawn in by live linear streaming, breaking news, sports and special events, watching live video for 30 minutes on average, 11 times longer than VOD. Audiences on smart TVs, gaming consoles and set-top boxes watched live video nine times longer than VOD, for an average of 46 minutes per play.
Long-form content is beginning to make inroads, the study showed, with tablet TV viewers spending 25% of their viewing time watching videos more than 60 minutes long. Connected TV viewers spent nearly a third of their time watching videos longer than an hour.