Visual Communication Solutions

(631) 477-0277

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mobile Screens Matter!

If you are still on the fence about whether to include mobile in your marketing mix take a look at this image from the MIT techreview page on Twitter/  (

More people have access to mobile screens than toilets!

Enough said!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Getting More You Tube Views

Ok, so with 24 hrs. of video being uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds it would seem impossible for your video content to be found or stand out.
Don't fret, you know you have to be on YouTube and there are things that you can do to help be found.
Here are a few good ways to get started:

First: Use links in your video description. Keep it short and to the point since YouTube will cut your text off after about two sentences so put your link at the beginning of your video every time you upload. Embed your video's on your website so Youtube can be used to help refer traffic there.
Go to: My Videos/Edit Video/Description 
Also, YouTube now has Social Media sharing badges on its video pages! Viewers can connect their SM accounts to YouTube and share videos. No need to do anything special here just be aware of this feature.

Use YouTube Bulletins to post links to your video on subscribers pages!
Go to: My Channel/Bulletins

USE AutoPlay  Set this for one of your videos and every visit to your channel will rank as a view!
Go to: My Channel/Video Playlist 

Enjoy! and GET STARTED