Visual Communication Solutions

(631) 477-0277

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

TV Ads Viewed Online Up Brand Recall

From Wayne Friedman/Online Media Daily

Shifting up to 15% of TV ad spend to online builds higher brand recall with lower cost and better reach.

That's per a new study from the Interactive Advertising Bureau, which also found that moving TV ads to digital video can increase a brand's recall by 33% -- when running in conjunction with a TV campaign. 

Looking specifically at recall, the study found that brand recall, message recall and ad likeability scores for ads run during a full episode online are almost double those of a network TV commercial alone.

The study analyzed 18 actual TV schedules in ad categories including consumer packaged goods (CPG) -- specifically health & beauty and food and beverage -- as well as technology, automotive, retail, finance and telecommunications. On average, CPG advertising reach grew 3.4% (3.4 reach points) among persons 18 and older.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What Exactly Is a Brand And Branding ?

This is a question that we get asked a lot more than you might think. For some the answer is obvious, for others it seems like some kind of foreign language.
Unfortunately adding to the confusion is the fact that there are as many answers to the question floating around as there are organizations claiming to provide it.
Here is some food for thought that will hopefully illuminate it's importancy or at least clarify the terminology.
The American Marketing Association defines Brand and Branding this way: 

“A brand is a customer experience represented by a collection of images and
ideas often, it refers to a symbol such as a name, logo, slogan, and design scheme.

Brand recognition and other reactions are created by the accumulation of experiences with the specific product or services both dirctly relating to its use, and through the influences of advertising, design and media commentary."
As a result, you always know a "Brand" when you see it. 
For example: Kleenex is a brand even though there are many varieties of facial tissues.
Or, to look at it another way, as Hubspot puts it: "A couple of hamburger patties and a slice of cheese on a bun are just that. But, add special sauce and it becomes a Big Mac!
That's "Branding"!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Videology's Q4 '12 Infographic Breaks Down Online Video Ad Market

Here's one from Will Richmond's Videonuze site
Video ad technology provider Videology has released its Q4 '12 U.S. video infographic, continuing to break down into fine detail which industries are using online video advertising, how/who their campaigns target and performance. The data is based on nearly 2.4 billion video ad impressions Videology served in Q4, and it offers extremely rich insights for anyone looking for a deeper dive into the surging online video ad market.
(click on infographic for a larger view)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl XLV11 Ad Cost

For the last two years the Super Bowl Broadcasts have been the most watched programs in U.S. television history!
Considering the media fragmentation of todays world that kind of mega-audience obviously comes with a price!
How much does :30 of air time cost to grab that number of eyeballs? Well, according to Shoot Magazine a :30 tv commercial on this years CBS broadcast went in the neighborhood of $3.8 million! Thats up over last years $3.5 million.
The surprising thing is that (as all the stats come in), the thing that's getting the most buzz didn't only happen on the big screen. Preliminary analysis of viewing habits show that smaller smart phone and tablet screens (watched simultaneously with big screens) created quite an astounding marketing flurry on their own. The blackout in the third quarter only helped to contribute to all of this. Oreo was quick to post a graphic tweet: "You don't need light to dunk"
And Audi quickly took a shot at Mercedes Benz who is a backer of the stadium.
So, what's the take-away?
1. Be quick to pay enough attention to your marketing efforts to take advantage of opportunist occurences!
2. If you can't afford $3.8 million for a single airing of your :30 TV commercial you can still be in the game on the small screen!   Put another way don't overlook the growing trend toward multi screen viewing.
As reported in the New York Times, e-Bay bounced back by focusing on mobile. Face it, nearly everyone capable of buying the products or services offered by your company has a smartphone today and he or she is connected seven days a week, 10 hours a day.  If you want to connect, you need to embrace mobile today.
Just be sure to optimize your content (especially video) for Multi screen compatibility!